We’re only two months away from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series at Disney+, but Entertainment Weekly revealed the first look at the upcoming show, including the first live-action Inquisitor, Reva, played by Moses Ingram (Tragedy of Macbeth, Queen’s Gambit).
The Inquisitors were first created for the Star Wars RPG back in 1987 but made their way to proper canon in the animated series Rebels. They acted as Force-sensitive dark side agents who served the Galactic Empire and were tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi who had survived Order 66 at the end of the Clone Wars. They were also the primary villains of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Reva appears in one of the photos below, along with Obi-Wan. The EW story also features a first look at Uncle Owen, everyone’s favorite moisture farmer.
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